برنامج التغذية
خطة تغذية شخصية
من جسدك
من أجل أهدافك.
هل تعرف المثل القائل: "احصل على لياقة بدنية في صالة الألعاب الرياضية، وخسر الوزن في المطبخ"؟
حسنًا، أعلم أنك تتمنى أن أخبرك أنني لا أصدق ذلك، لكنني أصدقه لأنني
"لا يمكنك أبدًا التغلب على نظام غذائي سيئ بالتدريب!"
بغض النظر عن مدى صعوبة تدريبك، إذا كنت تأكل 50، كيف تتوقع أن ترى 100؟
نحن دائمًا نربط النظام الغذائي الصحي بكمية أقل من الطعام، وكمية أكبر من الخضروات، وكمية أقل من كل ما نحبه.
لكن النظام الغذائي الصحي يحتوي على المزيد مما يحتاجه جسمك وأقل مما يعيق تقدمك.
سوف تتفاجأ عندما تعلم أن التعليق الأكثر شيوعًا الذي أتلقاه من عملائي هو
"لم أتمكن من تناول كل ما هو مخطط لي، أشعر بالشبع الشديد".
لذا، سواء كان هدفك هو:
فقدان الوزن
اكتساب العضلات
زيادة الوزن
تأكد دائمًا من حصولك على الكمية المناسبة من العناصر الغذائية الكبرى والصغرى في جسمك لتحسين أدائك التدريبي ومهامك اليومية.
إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة في ذلك:
يسعدني جدًا أن أقدم لك خطة تغذية شخصية مصممة خصيصًا لتلبية احتياجات جسمك وتمكنك من فهم جسمك فقط.
"لا يوجد مقاس واحد يناسب الجميع"
خلال رحلتك الغذائية، سيكون هدفي هو توجيهك لاختيار الطعام المناسب، وفهم سبب كونه مناسبًا، وحساب السعرات الحرارية التي تتناولها من أجل الحفاظ على نمط حياة صحي.
WHAT DOES THE PROGRAM INCLUDE?5 Training Days, 2 Rest Days. (Bodyweight workouts and runs that are scaled if you have any injuries.) An Email that guides you on your journey and lifestyle tips to make the best out of it. 2 Nutrition Plans with guidelines and tips. Weekly workouts assigned one week ahead. Demo videos with every exercise. Comment section below every exercise and workout for your feedback. Upload option below every exercise to get my feedback on your form when needed. Upload option for your runs to track your Exercise History for progress. Measurement sections to track your progress and get access to all your previous records and measurements. Constant support from me.
WILL I SEE RESULTS IF I COMMIT?Will you really commit? That should be your only concern. Consistency and commitment are the keys here. If you guarantee your commitment, I guarantee your results.
I'M A BEGINNER, IS THIS PROGRAM FOR ME?"Yes! Your fitness level is never a limitation, your mind is. You will get a demo video for every movement in your workouts and I will always guide you on how to up/downscale the exercises if needed. Your workout intensities are always set based on your fitness levels and are slowly adjusted based on your weekly performance.
HOW WILL I RECEIVE MY WORKOUTS?Upon registration, you'll be having your own TrueCoach account. ( The number one coaching platform in the world) Through TrueCoach, you'll have access to the workouts via the browser or a downloadable app. All your workouts will be assigned one week ahead, giving you time to: 1. Ask any questions you have 2. Adjust your schedules beforehand 3. Inform me on any obstacles you're facing with the exercises.
I DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO A GYM, DOES THAT LIMIT MY PROGRESS?"Not at all, you'll be receiving workouts that can be done at home or at the gym, both leading to the exact same results. Since this is a WeightLoss Program, most of the exercises are bodyweight. You'll be amazed to see what your body can do and achieve all ALONE.
DO I NEED TO TRAIN EVERYDAY AT A SPECIFIC TIME?Your workouts will be assigned 1 week beforehand, giving you the freedom to do the workouts anytime, as long as you get them done on their due date. I recommend training when you have the most energy in order to optimize the benefits of the workout and get ready for the next one. A workout cycle doesn't include training everyday, I assign weekly workouts with 1-2 rest days which are set according to your convenience.
IS MY NUTRITION PLAN CUSTOMIZED?Your nutrition plan is customized based on your inBody results. I recommend updating them every month to avoid plateaus. In addition to the customizations, I offer tips and guidelines to follow if you feel like changing things up or if you want more guidance on what to eat when you don't have access to the food in your plan. (outings, take out, and a bonus grocery shopping tips)
WHAT IF I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT BUT I'M DEMOTIVATED TO START?Always remember that you never get what you want when you don't work for it. How will you get where you want when your lifestyle is the same? Small steps lead to big results. I can always guide you 2 days on what to do before your program starts in order to keep you motivated and excited to see results.
HOW WILL I KNOW IF I'M IMPROVING WHEN I CANNOT SEE PROGRESS?I will always make sure you're aware of your progress. I always program harder workouts to push your limits and let you notice how strong you're becoming. There's an Exercise History tab that gives you access to previous records in every exercise, you can use that to track your progress. I will never assign a program and leave you, this is a journey not just a fitness program.